יום חמישי, 28 בפברואר 2019

Autotrophy - Elimination of the Emotional Hunger in the World / Part A

Galia Koplis 
Autotrophy – (Self Feeding) self-production of organic substances from carbon dioxide and nitrates using an external energy source. Green plants and certain bacteria use sunlight as an energy source. Autotrophic bacteria are not parasites.
It’s not only about the money

Too long an era of economic insecurity has created suffering, dependence and wars due to the lack of resources for everyone. Current economic methods only solve the problems of the economy with money. The hierarchical capitalist system, socialism, communism, and even the granting of a monthly salary to all, are all built on money alone
On the one hand, the powerful and rich capitalist system takes on the property and power of the strong.  On the other hand, the socialist system recognizes the right of every person to economic security, but in reality they are constantly bargaining with the government about how much is appropriate to give and how much is appropriate to receive. The government wants to give less and the citizens want to receive more.

But this does not mean that money is a problem; money is good, money is a genius master solution, and the least cumbersome method of exchanging goods. The bad part is the total dependence on it and the attribution of every problem to money.
The solution is to create an alternative to money. Not to eliminate money or wealth, but to find a way to reach economic security that will relegate the money as a single component of the equation of money = life.
The proposition here is something that can be called Autotrophy, self-nourishment, and self-production for basic existence alongside the old method of working for money or property that belongs to others. In the modern world, it is now possible for each and every family to sustain themselves for a reasonable existence by using innovative methods, which will be described in detail later in the article, without having to be dependent on the milk of two thin cows and the amount of rain that nature showers on the fields.
And conversely, to allow capitalists to express themselves through entrepreneurship, while on the other hand reducing the pressure of the same class that still needs power, while bypassing the endless power of politicians and financiers. The Autotrophy method is a method which grants each individual basic self-gratification,  self-sustenance, independent of their community and independent of strong social representatives.
Also see Part B and Part C
In Part C we will provide the solutions

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   א. אישה שרוצה בעיקר להקטין את השני, מפזרת גזלייטנינג. אומרת דברים מקטינים על השני, ומצד שני אומרת לד. שהיא אשמה, שהיא נעלבת, שהיא לא צודק...